La Maison d' Armoise's Photos

Monday, December 14, 2009

Altavia Yule

Southern California has been experiencing some very we weather and that has postponed a few events that would have been held out of doors. But Yule is thankfully an indoor event and much fun was had by all.

Altavia Yule was on December 5, 2009. Alys and I arrived a bit early in the afternoon to help set up for the raffle. Alys snagged a great dining table and set up our decorations for the feast. We were sponsoring an unofficial absinthe tasting and my fountain made an awesome centerpiece! My knitting friend Cassandra joined us that afternoon and I think she had a good enough time to make her want to come to more SCA events! Huzzah!

The pot luck dinner had many and varied offerings and we all stuffed ourselves. Alys made an incredible baked leek sidedish that took first place in the sidedish competition. It was awesome! I should have taken a larger portion...My gingerbread bread pudding got Honorable Mention in the desert category so I was very pleased. Many were interested in the absinthe and we louched up several glasses to those who wanted to taste the real thing.

After dinner there was a raffle in an adjoining room. Cassandra won some excellent jewelry, Alys took home a darling red Fleur de Lys case with embroidery supplies and I won yarn. I am always happy to win yarn! I love yarn.

After the raffle, we wandered back into the dining hall where the tables had been cleared away to allow for dancing. I am not sure who had a better time. Those dancing or those of us who watched the dancers crash into each other!

The next day was a scheduled archery and thrown weapons practice. I was feeling pretty on-target when my bow de-laminated. Well, so much for archery. Let's shift gears to thrown weapons. Alys and I both authorized for and practiced throwing knives and axes. It was so much fun!

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